We all have a lot on our plates. But we must make the decision to live a balanced life. Self love is the first step to acquiring balance in the important areas of your life: family, community and work. Affirm your beauty, your goals and strengths. Pick up your mirror look at yourself and speak your balanced life into existence. Have a look at the link below to view some amazingly healthy and delicious recipes and check out my BLOG!
Hi, I'm Priscilla Peanut, the most beautiful peanut you'll ever know. I have too much on my plate to be concerned about nutrition education or working out.
As long as i don't go over my daily calorie needs of 1500, I'll keep my gorgeous peanut figure. I maintain my figure through discipline. Discipline that comes from and self love. Love has empowered me to develop discipline, set smart goals for my life, and plan to strive to achieve my goals. I now live a joyful and balanced life.